The sun calls it an earthspin

Yesterday, I watched both the sunset and the sunrise. Which begged the question, why do we still speak as if the sun moves around us?

Even though we've known for about 500 years that the earth orbits the sun, we still say the sun is the one rising and setting.

So, what does that say about us?

Or really, what are the other ways we put ourselves in the center of a narrative when in reality we're on the outskirts circling around?

Everyone is the main character in their own story. Everyone is also the side character in someone else's.

Our most common disconnects and discontentment occur when we realize that someone else views us as a planet in their orbit instead of the other way around.

We may not always know our position, but we can still control our perspective.

So, next time you watch a sunset, remember that the sun probably calls it an earthspin.


“Acting” like an adult


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