Week 8

March 3, 2016

Day 44


Nothing like taking a break to start the week strong.

Day 45

Exercise: Swim

Time: 1 hour

Distance: ?

Midway through swimming today I got a hair in my mouth and almost choked on it. This is a real life story that I am not making up. A full-length, DNA covered, black hair...in my mouth. It was as disgusting as it sounds. The only way I can convince myself that everything is OK is to assume it was my hair, but honestly there is no way of knowing.

So yeah, today might have been the closest I've come to quitting since starting. Instead, I went home and brushed my teeth six thousand times, so we should be good to go. Unfortunately, I will probably think about that hair every time I enter a public pool for the rest of my life.

Day 46

Exercise: Bike/Run

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes/1 hour

Distance: 20 miles/6 miles

Still getting used to switching from biking to running. It's certainly weird on the legs at first, but I'm beginning to grow more comfortable. That being said, I'm sure the people in the gym who saw me stumble onto the treadmill after finishing the bike would say I looked like I was anything but comfortable.

Day 47

Exercise: Swim

Time: 1 hour

Distance: ?

No hairs in my mouth today. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Day 48


Day 49

Exercise: Run

Time: 1 hour

Distance: 6 miles

Going for a run is easy when the weather is perfect. There are few better feelings than going for a run, coming home and making a protein shake, then sitting outside in the sun to drink it. I don't know if I would've said that two weeks ago, but that's how I feel these days.

In other news, I ripped a hole in my only pair of running shorts today, which is a shame. They're my only pair of shorts that have underwear built into them (which is quite the technological breakthrough if you ask me), but this hole is in a highly inconvenient place, which is, well...I don't think I need to give anymore details than that.

Day 50

Exercise: Bike

Time: 3 hours

Distance: 40 miles

Dear Legs,

I'm sorry for what I did to you today, and I know you're both mad at me right now. I'm going to spend the rest of the day off of you, so we can both collect our feelings and talk again tomorrow when we are both in a better state. Although, I understand you might be even more upset in the morning. Might I suggest that you talk to your close friend Butt? He is arguably more hurt than you right now, and believe me, he has much more to complain about regarding what he has been sitting on this afternoon...Just something to think about.




Week 9


Week 7