Delighting in the Trinity

This book is an EXCELLENT primer on one of the most difficult theological principles of the Christian faith.

Michael Reeves takes ten-story ideas and brings them down to the ground floor on anyone walking in to get a hold of. I believed in the trinity before I read this book. I appreciated the trinity after. There’s not one “aha” moment in this book where the trinity suddenly clicks—is that even possible?—but there are dozens of illuminations throughout these pages.

If you’ve followed Jesus all your life but lack an understanding of this core doctrine, this is a great place to start.

If you’re just dipping a pinky toe into the Christian faith, this is a great place to start.

No matter where you’re coming from, glimpses of the trinity can be eye-opening, invigorating, and downright life-changing.

Favorite Quote

Enter the word mystery, a word so soothing it lets us feel that our absolute cluelessness about how God can be both one and three is actually how things are supposed to be.


Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl


Lonesome Dove