American Gods

This book is strange. There’s no getting around that. But in the midst of all the weirdness, there’s a finger with an astute touch on the pulse of American culture and all its distinctions.

American Gods is what would happen if you combined A Goofy Movie with, well, Neil Gaiman. It’s a roadtrip unlike any other.

Gaiman places the profound questions about what makes up the soul of America against the kitsch that makes the country so unique. In all of this, gods brought here by ancient ancestors battle with an ever-growing modernity. But whether they fight for a people or a place is up to the reader to decide…

I could’ve done without some of the more vivid carnality that occasionally popped up. But Shadow and Mr. Wednesday are characters that will stay with me forever.

Favorite Quote

The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies.


Lonesome Dove